12月4日,鱼跃医疗与越南FPT集团旗下FPT Telecom公司在胡志明举行战略合作备忘录签订仪式。此次签约旨在深化双方在推动CGM技术发展、国际市场拓展以及软件解决方案等多方面的合作。 根据协议,双方将聚焦东盟市场...…[详细]
吉隆坡,马来西亚, Dec. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Founder Group Limited(纳斯达克股票代码:FGL)(以下简称“Founder Group”或“本公司”)欣然宣布已获得一份价值约 6800 万美元(约合 2.9926 亿马来西亚令...…[详细]
The first report explores scenarios of AI’s electricity consumption over the next decade, while the second report demonstrates how AI-powered HVAC systems can improve energy efficiencyThe research wa...…[详细]
EBC Financial Group and Oxford University’s Department of Economics dissect the barriers to climate progress, exploring carbon taxes, subsidy reforms, and the role of finance in driving sustainable e...…[详细]
ASIC设计服务暨IP研发销售领导厂商智原科技(Faraday Technology Corporation,TWSE:3035) 将于12月11日至12月12日参加在上海举行的ICCAD 2024 (中国集成电路设计业年会),现场将展示FlashKit™-22RRAM开发平台、低功...…[详细]
Collaboration under the GESAC program, a federal government initiative promoting digital inclusion across Brazil with high-speed broadband over satellite LUXEMBOURG -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Telebras ...…[详细]
SEOUL, South Korea -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- MBK Partners categorically dismisses the baseless allegations made by Korea Zinc regarding an alleged breach of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Despite p...…[详细]
SEOUL, South Korea -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- MBK Partners has clarified its position on a matter involving Korea Zinc, stating that the company is making claims that are far from reality. The matter dat...…[详细]
Curtiss-Wright的EMS部门今日宣布,已交付首个配备增材制造(AM)叶轮的潜艇部件,该部件将安装在美国海军的一艘舰艇上。 Curtiss-Wright位于宾夕法尼亚州伯利恒的工程泵事业部(EPD)、位于宾夕法尼亚州蒙罗维尔的Bec...…[详细]
对网络安全领导者的调查强调了数据分类在增强网络弹性方面的重要性 加州圣何塞--(美国商业资讯)--智能数据基础设施公司NetApp® (NASDAQ: NTAP)今天宣布发表其最新报告,分析网络安全现状并提供可操作的见解,以帮...…[详细]
数据风险智能解决方案(Data Risk Intelligence)结合了基于态势和行为的数据风险指标,可主动识别和降低敏感数据的风险 这是首个结合Imperva数据安全平台(Data Security Fabric)和泰雷兹CipherTrust数据安全平...…[详细]